Office site & telemed mental health therapy
Welcome to My Strong Family
Serving the Twin Cities of Minnesota.
612 - 867 - 2565

Office site & telemed mental health therapy
Serving the Twin Cities of Minnesota.
612 - 867 - 2565
Thirty years of therapy experience provides a wide lens perspective to problems. Clients and I quickly assess complex problems, confidently implement proven strategies, and assess progress as we go.
Additional Services:
(Photo: Montana fly fishing)
Within a professional, safe and confidential setting, healing and growth occurs. Informed by Relational and Attachment therapy, my services focus on broadening emotional capacities, expanding psychological awareness, and applying strategic thinking to problems at hand. With this focus relationships soon balance and brighten.
(Photo: Wisconsin Nordic skiing)
Effective therapy work requires a good fit. A “Greet and Meet” allows people to judge their comfort with my services; and I assess whether their situation falls within my area of expertise. If the client decides it’s a good fit, we proceed as a team dedicated to problem solving, healing and growth. .
(Photo: At a family reunion)
Sooner or later tangled complexities befall us all. Childhood traumas, relational conflict, anger in the family, addictive & compulsive behaviors, personal anxiety / depression; describe some of the conditions that can be addressed within my clinical setting.
(Photo: Visiting friends in New Mexico)
Are you lost in a wilderness of parenting confusion? Do you keep having the same arguments with your kids about what should be the most basic things? If co-parenting, are you suspicious that your partner is intentionally trying to drive you insane with their ridiculous parenting decisions? Well, then you need this book. It takes you on a 3 stage journey provisioned with a map, 4 companion dogs, and backpack full of parenting tips. With good cheer and stories of other who have made such a crossing, you’ll soon be well on the way to the happiness once imagined of family life.
Please contact us with questions.
Mon-Fri: 10am - 7pm
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